Jednak wszyscy potrzebują opieki i ciepła. Mała Chinka o imieniu Primrose miała pecha, że ​​urodziła się w szczęśliwej rodzinie bez choroby, ale znalazła coś innego.

Historia adopcji niewidomej dziewczyny

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Tiny 2 year old Primrose. We were still learning one another. She was still learning to trust, to be held, to eat and to drink. Yes- at 2 years old. Her shirt in this photo was a size 12M. So tiny, so precious. She was still aspirating every time she drank and half of the time she ate anything semi solid. She was a bundle of anxiety. . And we know now- our fight for her heart was just beginning. But, oh how we have loved her. From the moment we got her file, we loved her. And oh, how she’s learned to love us. 2.5 years home. 2.5 years of this grand and beautiful (chaotic and often brutal) adventure!!! . . . #adoptionrocks #wecouldhavemissedthis #primseestheworld #morealikethandifferent #blindkidscan #inclusionmatters #intentionalliving #thislittlelifeofmine #designergenes #thehappynow #littleandbrave #happymommy #withthekids #glaucoma #specialneedsmom #ouradventure

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W 2014 roku Irene Austin przejrzała Facebooka, kiedy zobaczyła post o możliwości adopcji dziewczyny. Kobieta i jej mąż Chris chcieli adoptować dziecko z Chin od 2011 roku. Dlatego pani Austin natychmiast wysłała prośbę o dodatkowe informacje na temat dziecka. Zdjęcie pokazało, że dziewczyna była niewidoma, ale to nie powstrzymało pary.

Irene otrzymała informację o dziewczynce i wysłała ją do lekarzy. Reakcja była w przybliżeniu taka sama dla wszystkich. Pracownicy służby zdrowia zapytali parę, jak zamierzają wychować głuche i niewidome dziecko. Wszyscy mówili, że będzie to dla nich bardzo trudne. Jednak Austin postanowił się nie poddawać.

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Things that truly matter. Hope in the face of great adversity. Orphans in families. I’m going to keep talking about it- so bear with me on this one. #wecouldhavemissedthis Celebrating 3 years since our family found Primrose!!! Has me so sentimental and hopeful! Hopeful that other amazing children just like her will find homes full of love...this year. We have to get them, you guys . See- when we met her- we instantly knew something was very wrong. She was limp and inconsolable and the heat coming off of her was horrifying. She had no head control, she was terrified and- clearly- horribly ill. We’ve never shown any of you our “gotcha day” video- because it’s hard for us to even watch. We were handed a baby in crisis on so many levels and the video is not fun to see- even for us. I want to walk you through those first 3 days. Meeting her. Begging them to tell me why she was so sick and had no medication. Trying to understand why she was so so limp. Walking and walking around this unfamiliar city to try to find formula (she came with none) and meds for her fever. * I remember thinking we would walk for miles and never find what we needed. I’ve never been so afraid. Our baby was screaming, listless and so very sick and- we were helpless.* Getting back to the hotel, feeding her, getting her fever down. Messaging with our agency. Sobbing. Wanting to comfort her. Putting on a brave face for our big kids as we introduced them to Prim and explained what was happening. Watching her breathe while she slept for 16 hours- sickness and grief mingle together, friends- and her body just shut down. We woke up and the screaming began- two Chinese hospitals, WeChat miracles, an American doctor from Prim’s hometown calling the shots to our nanny and getting us the meds we needed. (The whole time I was saying strep- she has horrible strep!!!- final diagnosis was systemic strep with blood work that would have had her in ICU in the states). Getting back to the hotel after 9 hours in hospitals. We treat her, we start to see her eyes brighten. We get giggles and smiles. We get a few snuggles. We all sleep that night. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

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Kilka tygodni później rodzina otrzymała pocztą nowy list stwierdzający, że dziewczynka przeszła badanie słuchu. Teraz eksperci pozwolili jej na adopcję.

W 2014 roku para rozpoczęła trudny proces adopcyjny, który zajął im 2 lata. Czasami byli zrozpaczeni, ale nadal wierzyli, że wszystko będzie dobrze.

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A MONTH AGO TODAY... We started our Sunday at home with our sweet family. And wound up in one of the most traumatic messes we’ve ever experienced. This was end game time for all that Prim had been suffering. And nearly 12 hours of hell on earth watching her suffer and being helpless to do a thing. I remember feeling utterly broken. This’s what haunts me any time she cries. I smell the smells and feel the panic and nausea of this day. She can call out or holler and it does NOTHING. But when she cries this one cry- this is the day I’m taken back to. And I just thought- if I post about it being in the past- that we are technically MORE than a month away from this horror, it will steal some of its power. It will break the bond between Prim crying and my melt downs. My intense despair that comes and goes . Because you can’t live your life triggered by your child’s cries, can you? And can’t I steal at least some power back from this? By acknowledging she IS OKAY NOW!!! By putting this memory in the past where it belongs.....but- when it happens- I can touch those horrible moments with my finger tips and hear the screaming, my own heartbeat, our desperation- as though it is happening in that moment. These pictures are Emergency Room (left) and then PICU (right). Desperation juxtaposed beside first real breath of the day. And I picture- in my heart- the left is the photo that best represents my struggle right now. The photo on the right will be the moment I get my power back and send this despair and panic straight to Hell. Breathe. Rest. Move on. I’m trying to. (If you aren’t sure what this post means or are new here- just scroll down on my page and you’ll find plenty of info!)

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Byliśmy zdeterminowani, aby robić rzeczy trudne, ponieważ są one ważniejsze niż wygodne.

Kiedy Chris i Irene przybyli do Chin, odkryli, że dziewczynka ma infekcję paciorkowcami. Primrose była malutka i ospała, miała gorączkę.

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18 Behold, what I have seen to be good and fitting is to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all the labor one does under the sun the few days of his life that God has given him, for this is his lot. 19 Everyone also to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his labor—this is the gift of God. 20 For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart. Ecclesiastes 5: 18-20 Joy in WORK! The toil and labor of our days. 2018 brought me down a road that stole nearly all of my peace, threatened my faith, shook my soul and left me ragged. I’m just trying to regain my footing, steady my heart, release the fear, and trust that we truly did survive and we are okay. Primrose is OKAY!!!! As I take the steps to rebuild my confidence as a business owner, to meekly begin to build again what had been before, to remember how and why I chose to do this unique type of work when so many people would rather simply shop at a store- this 👆🏼verse reminds me that I can work in gratitude every step of the way. Because this business brought me home full time to my kids, allowing me to stop working multiple part time jobs to help make ends meet. Because this business paid the bulk of the fees that allowed us to bring our Princess Pea home from so far away. And has been the reason I can be with her always, through hell and back- with no fear of losing my job or disappointing a boss. Because this business is the work of my hands AND my heart no matter if I see the fruit today, tomorrow or never. No matter the fear of rejection, the utter vulnerability and the disappointment when the landscape of my “success” and team change in ways I don’t particularly love. I can still toil in thanks, believing in the coming harvest that will continue to allow my family the freedom to give and serve and be together as much as possible- and to further the massive dream Chris and I believe we are called to- so massive and GRAND IN SCOPE- that my every day marketing and offering my discount and my business opportunity may feel lackluster but they actually MATTER in that plan...this

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Irene i Chris byli zrozpaczeni. Dziecko cały czas płakało i nie mogli znaleźć leku, którego tak bardzo potrzebowało. Jednak i tak następnego dnia je dostali. Po leczeniu jej stan się poprawił.

Kiedy para w końcu podpisała dokumenty adopcyjne, wszyscy byli niezmiernie szczęśliwi!

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Healing comes in waves. We are continuing to fight for our girl. To find the answers and to get her back to wellness again. I’m a fighter. We all are. When I dreamed of doing something great with my life- I never imagined it would be constantly fighting for my miracle kids....and constantly being reminded of my weakness but GLORY IN THE LORD’S UNENDING STRENGTH. He goes before, makes a way, and leads us on. He does. Even when I can’t see it and when my pain and exhaustion convince me THIS IS NEVER GOING TO END.... He holds us. He holds you. And I do, as well, precious friends. I hold you guys in my heart and hope you all know how much you matter and how wonderfully created you are. May Primrose always be the reminder we all need- we are each wonderfully created.

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Jej rodzice nauczyli ją wszystkiego na świecie. Opowiadali jej o jej nowym życiu i powtarzali: „Mama i tata cię kochają”.

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Keeping these wild things healthy is a full time job. Prim cannot handle even mild illnesses so I’m a NUT about oils, herbs and supplements. One of my favorite immune boosters is elderberry! And I now have my hands on an effervescent elderberry and ashwaghanda root (think stress relief and brain boost) drink that these three will be getting at least 3 times a week. We don’t play with our immune systems and it is IN THE BUDGET. Being proactive with our health isn’t cheap but it’s cheaper than another hospital stay- that’s for sure!!! I’m curious, though- who of my tribe has ever used ashwaghanda?? It’s always in our supplement cabinet in one form or another and I rarely meet anyone who knows about it!! Have you heard of it or tried it!? Tell me I’m not the only one who thinks it’s a miracle! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Co za choroba u dziewcząt

Dziewczynka ma rzadki zespół genetyczny 6p25, który powoduje ślepotę, unikalną strukturę mózgu, brak napięcia mięśniowego i inne problemy. Jej rodzice uważają, że dziewczyna ma trudne życie, ale jest nie mniej piękna.

Irene pisze na Instagramie blogi o życiu swojej rodziny. W swoim profilu ma już ponad 7 000 zdjęć. Ogląda go 19 000 osób.

Wystarczy spojrzeć na powodzenie zabiegu, a dziecko oczywiście było szczęśliwe — jej uśmiech to najlepszy dowód!